Working for logical immigation reform based on a stable population, a recognition of the finite nature of our natural resources and the adverse impact of continued growth on our quality of life, standard of living, national interest, character, language, sovereignty and the rule of law. Pushing back and countering the disloyal elements in American society and the anti-American rhetoric of the leftwing illegal alien lobbies. In a debate, when your opponents turn to name calling, it's a good sign you've already won.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Racism Excuse

Mr. Obama defeated the party favorite, Hillary Clinton, with a broad appeal that largely steered away from race. Nevertheless, the results of the primaries reflect a strong racial bias among Blacks and on the part of Whites who are still trying to assuage their sense of guilt for the slave trade and civil rights abuses that went on far too long. Had Hillary not been the victim of this racism, she would be nominee and Obama would have been eclipsed. So Obama's success says less about his appeal than it does about the racism of certain sectors of our society. Hillary's supporters have every reason to be bitter about this. The best way for them to get over their angst is by voting for McCain. They should not just turn the other cheek and stand idly by as their Black brethren vote the racial ticket.

There are Americans who judge politicians by their race, or gender, or religion; Mr. Obama will certainly carry the black vote by large margin again in November because he is Black and because he is a Democrat. But we reckon that a scant number of other voters are motivated by a similar racism , and that number's growing smaller by the day. Virginia elected a black Governor two decades ago, and Illinois has had two black Senators. America has had two black Secretaries of State, and major corporations are run by black CEOs. No other Western democracy has done as well at opening up political, business and other arenas to minorities. It is time for a quid pro quo. The Black community must look beyond the skin color of a biracial candidate and determine who is best qualified to lead this country.

Mr. Obama's descent from his Icarusian heights earlier this spring reflects a shift in this race that has nothing to do with race. A skin-deep Obamamania had energized the country causing Blacks to vote for one of their own without making any critical judgments about his qualifications or record. Liberals and youngsters jumped on the band wagon. Now that's giving way to serious consideration of credentials and policy substance. After all, voters are choosing the world's most powerful man. Mr. McCain has been drawing contrasts with his younger rival to close the gap in the polls. We'll see if the trend continues.
As a matter of sober fact, many Americans look at the junior Senator from Illinois and worry, as his Democratic Vice Presidential candidate pointed out last year, that he isn't "ready" for the job. Does this mean that anyone who agrees with Joe Biden's previous assessment is a racist? Do Democrats really think so little of their fellow Americans? That is exactly the excuse that is being prepared just in case Obama loses the election.

There are real differences between the candidates that go far beyond race and experience. Obama readily admits he will increase taxes, create new federal bureacracies, and expand programs that are already underfunded. His real ability to orchestrate a redeployment of our troops from Iraq to Afghanistan in a responsible way is an open question. McCain remains a staunch opponent of tax increases, socialized medicine, the expansion of medicare, and unbridled pork barrel spending. The racism excuse will simply not hold water in the face of the significantly differences between these two candidates. (Adapted from WSJ Editorial, 8/26/08)

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